Sermons on Old Testament

Sermons on Old Testament

Baptized Daily

Today is called Baptism of the Lord Sunday and its texts invite us to contemplate the daily nature of our baptisms.  If we follow the guidance of Martin Luther and “make repeated use our baptism,” how might that impact who we are, how we live and how we navigate life’s ups and downs?

Words for the Beginning: The Road Isn’t Straight

Join us for Epiphany Sunday as we come alongside the wise ones who embarked on a long journey with many unexpected twists and turns as they followed a star in search of the newborn Christ. What can we learn from the Magi’s journey?  How can we find grace for ourselves and others along the many roads of our lives that take us in unexpected directions?

Joy Overflowing from a Full House

Our own Rev. Dale will helps reflect on the mystery and depth of God’s abiding love for us. Do we view our world as hostile or friendly? Can we find joy even in the midst of sorrow?

Words for the Beginning: Love Knows Your Name

On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we will enter into the world of Mary and Joseph to explore the notion of hope. How do we choose hope in times that are uncertain or difficult? What difference does it make in our lives and in the world around us?  

Words for the Beginning: Do the Good That Is Yours to Do

On this third Sunday of Advent we come alongside John the Baptist and overhear all kinds of different folks ask, “What should we do?” John the Baptist said to all those ancient inquirers, “Do the good that is yours to do.” What stands in the way of us living into that calling?

Words for the Beginning: You Are a Blessing

Advent begins today and consists of the four weeks leading up to Christmas. It’s a season that helps us to prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for the coming of Christ at Christmas. What does it mean for young Mary to have been called “blessed” and what does “blessedness” mean in and for our lives?

Giving Thanks

This Sunday we are celebrating “Gratitude Sunday” as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. Where or how does gratitude operate in your life of faith?

Do Unto Others: Compassion

Reflecting on Isaiah’s mind-bending vision of compassion, what if compassion doesn’t start within relationships, but instead within ourselves?

God’s Presence Among Us

In the Bible, God’s physical presence with humans is noted in at least five different ways…walking with Adam in the Garden of Eden, within the flaming bush before Moses, in the Ark of the Covenant kept in the Tabernacle and Temple of Solomon, in the person of Jesus, and at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit became the presence of God among God’s people.  Throughout Christian history, our places of worship have used light as a metaphor for the presence of the Almighty. Where is God’s presence and light in our world now, a world that seems so desperate to see it?