Sermons on Old Testament (Page 2)

Sermons on Old Testament (Page 2)

Will You Give Me a Drink?

The story of Jesus asking the Samaritan woman for a drink inspires us to reflect on how we can learn from his example and cross boundaries to engage others?

How Do We Begin Again?

How have we experienced “beginning again” in our lives? Why do we sometimes resist it? How might God be inviting us to “begin again” this Lenten season?

First, Listen

This week we begin with the story of Eve in the Garden and Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. These accounts remind us of something essential…that seeking begins with listening.

Despite Fear

The angel’s words, “Do not be afraid,” are words that are repeated over and over again throughout scripture. What did Mary make of those words? What do they mean to us as we move through this Advent season? How do we take them to heart and what difference do they make in our own lives that are so often touched by anxiety and fear?

Hope Comes

Join Pastor Lesley as we explore the question; what does it mean when we ask God to “Save us from the time of trial.”?

To God Alone the Glory

Did you know that our church has been around for 75 years? Come join in the 75th Anniversary Celebration with some familiar faces!

Seeking the Face of Jesus

Together with Tim we explore our human attempt to create a portrait of Jesus throughout Western art history, and the different forms it takes on.