Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

Sermons on Psalms (Page 2)

To God Alone the Glory

Did you know that our church has been around for 75 years? Come join in the 75th Anniversary Celebration with some familiar faces!

Phun with Physics Philosophy and Phaith

Come and enjoy the “Phun” as Pat Walker journeys with us through the various mysteries in Physics, Philosophy and “Phaith.” With a pinch of humor, a shake of meaning, and a cup of faith, Pat walks with us as someone trying to understand and be thankful for it all. 

Good Friday: Were You There?

Good Friday marks the day when hate and fear did their worst…the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.  On this day of grief and sorrow, we will gather with one another, in God’s care, to remember Jesus’ death on a cross.

Light in the Darkness

Our Bishop, Grant Hagiya, preaches today on “Light in the Darkness,” sharing his thoughts, hopes and encouragement with all of us as we enter into 2022! 

Being Renewed

Being renewed doesn’t always necessarily equate to getting an ample amount of rest. God renews us by filling our cups, so we can pour ourselves into others.


Our lectionary readings for today include Psalm 23 along with a portion of John’s gospel that reminds us that Jesus is the good shepherd. What does it mean for us to be sheep? What does it mean to have a shepherd? 

Cal-Pac Service – Together in Worship

We will have a special service today from the Cal-Pac Conference! This service was provided to local congregations as a gift, and is a collection of a variety of musicians, worship leaders and preachers giving witness from a diverse context of settings, all giving glory to God as we celebrate Christ’s birth.

Creating Together

This Sunday, we continue our series on creativity. Rev. Jeri Newell-Davis asks what our lives of faith would be like if we entered into a creative process to discover new ways in which to express our faith and our love for God in Jesus Christ.