Sermons from September 2024

Sermons from September 2024

God’s Presence Among Us

In the Bible, God’s physical presence with humans is noted in at least five different ways…walking with Adam in the Garden of Eden, within the flaming bush before Moses, in the Ark of the Covenant kept in the Tabernacle and Temple of Solomon, in the person of Jesus, and at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit became the presence of God among God’s people.  Throughout Christian history, our places of worship have used light as a metaphor for the presence of the Almighty. Where is God’s presence and light in our world now, a world that seems so desperate to see it?

Circle Round

According to Jesus, the ways of discipleship are deeply counter-cultural. Want to be a follower of Jesus? Give your life for others in order to save it. Strive to be at the back of the line instead of the front. Turn the hierarchy of honor and privilege upside down. In fact, dismantle it altogether. Be with and for one another in ways that defy cultural norms but that encircle all God’s children into a communion of neighborly love.


This week’s reading about Jesus’ encounter with the Syrophoenician woman invites us to take the next step…to consider how we might be called to stretch spiritually in order to put Jesus’ words into practice.


Our scripture reading for this Sunday draws our attention to the power of tradition. When does a tradition offer healthy structure and a sense of belonging and when does it get in God’s way?