Go Scared

Go Scared

Our scripture reading for this week is one place in the Bible where the disciples experience fear and Jesus comes to them, walking on the water, saying: “Take heart. It is I. Do not be afraid.” The disciples were alone on a boat when a storm started. This may have contributed to their fear, but the majority of the disciples were experienced fishermen and had probably weathered such storms before. The text tells us that their real fear was related to seeing Jesus walking on the water. Initially they assumed he was a ghost and cried out in fear. As the story unfolds, we join the disciples as they move back and forth between fear and faith.

The Bible references fear a lot, encouraging us to not be afraid and reminding us that God is with us in the ups and downs, the hills and valleys, the sunny days and the storms. What better time to revisit one of the many scripture passages that invite us to understand our fear through the lens of our faith, seeking God’s word, God’s presence, God’s guidance and God’s peace.

Scripture passages: Matthew 14:22-33

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