Sermons (Page 48)

Sermons (Page 48)


Sermons are listed below with the most recent sermons first. See the Sermons menu at the top of the page to browse by date, books of the Bible, speaker, and more. Check back often for updates.

Powerful Prayer

This Sunday we conclude our series on personal and social holiness with a focus on prayer.

Peace in Wisdom

This Sunday we continue to explore living in both personal and social holiness with a focus on the wisdom that comes from beyond us.


This Sunday we continue to explore how to live in both personal and social holiness with a focus on the power of our words.

Outward Signs

This Sunday we consider how we are continually called to live our faith outwardly through good works.

Youth Sunday 2015

This is a full Sunday as we begin in worship in celebration of Youth Sunday! Our Spirit-filled worship experience was led by the youth of PB UMC!

Communion: Invitation to Life

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on Holy Communion as Pastor Bob explores Jesus’ challenging words as invitation to life. Scripture: John 6:35, 41-51