COVID-19 Update on 3/21

COVID-19 Update on 3/21

Pacific Beach UMC Family –

These are difficult times as we continue to see rising numbers of people infected by—or even losing their lives to—the COVID-19 virus. Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a statewide stay-at-home order, and the duration of these measures is as yet unstated.

As you know, Worship gatherings are not taking place in person, but will instead be done via LiveStream. We are working to keep this gathering limited in scope, and even with those present to maintain a “socially distant” practice. While our initial expectation was that we would worship online for the remainder of March, it seems likely that this will be in place even longer.

Most PB UMC staff members are working remotely, which means that our office is effectively closed. We will still be checking emails and voicemails, so please don’t hesitate to contact your church office with questions, suggestions, and needs.

I shared in an email with PB UMC staff yesterday that our Church Council has voted to continue to support our staff with their regular salaries for as long as we are able. We see this as a matter of justice, knowing that our staff counts on this income for basic needs. We continue to provide to-go meals for our hungry neighbors each Wednesday night as the primary ministry of Project Grace. In consultation with San Diego County, we began supplying hygiene kits and important information about the COVID-19 virus. Vital ministry is still taking place at Pacific Beach United Methodist Church!

Because of this, we must continue to support these ministries with our prayers, our our spiritual presence, our gifts, and our service. Please pray for your congregation and your leaders! Please lend your spirit in connection! Please continue to support these ministries through online giving or by mailing your check to the church office! [Note: if you have the means to increase your giving in this time of crisis, this will help with increased need and will help cover for those who are unable to give because of lost wages.] Please be in service to one another as appropriate, either by helping others or by keeping in touch using social media or the telephone!

If you are in need of direct pastoral conversation, pastoral care, spiritual care; if you have an idea that you’d like to discuss or brainstorm, I would love to hear from you! I’ve set up direct access to my calendar to schedule time for such a conversation. Because of the restrictions in place, we will need to do so by telephone or video conference. Please contact the church office for the link.

If you are not in the category of highest risk persons and are seeking a way to volunteer, volunteers are needed in the San Diego County area for two tasks:

  1. to pick up food and deliver it to shut-in individuals and families;
  2. serve as a telephone volunteer (from home) to help link food providers with households in need.

Disaster Task Force leaders Pam McMasters and Karl Ports will coordinate this effort here in San  Diego. For volunteer information, contact the church office.

Finally, I ask your prayers. This is a difficult time for all of us and I feel the pressure of decision-making every moment. I cannot lead this church without God, I cannot lead without the gifted leaders and staff of this church, and I cannot lead without you. I am confident that God will call us into newness even in such a time as this.

Grace and peace to you…

Pastor Bob