Video Announcements for February 12, 2017

Video Announcements for February 12, 2017

There are openings for altar flowers on February 19 & 26. Cost is $50. Please contact the church office if you would like to sponsor a day.

Our Second Sunday concert featuring the Point Loma Opera Theatre (PLOT) will perform today at 2 pm in the Sanctuary. Invite your friends and neighbors to attend with you!

All are invited to the Administrative Council meeting on February 21, at 7 pm at the church. Committee chairs will present their current projects and the final church budget for 2017 will be presented and voted upon.

Sign-up for All Church Family Camp from March 10 – 12 in Camp Cedar Glen! Everyone is welcome. All meals will be provided. Cost is $120 for ages 16 and up and $70 for children 3-15. Register with Dee Baraw and if you have questions or need to ask about financial help, contact Dee or the church office.