Video Announcements for March 1, 2015

Video Announcements for March 1, 2015

Our communion offering today is our One Great Hour of Sharing, which helps support those impacted by crisis when disaster strikes. Your gifts will help to fund UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief), the UMs international humanitarian aid organization.

The GriefShare support group will meet at 1pm in Room 100, next to the nursery. This week’s topic is “Challenges of Grief.”

Shhhhh! It’s a secret that Al will turn 90, and a small celebration will be held next Sunday, March 8, after the 2nd service. All are quietly invited for cake!

Easter is on its way and the answer is Yes! Yes, we will be having our Sunrise Service, our pancake breakfast, our Easter Egg hunt, and all of the other traditional events here at PB UMC. See page 1 of the March Beach Breeze for more information. If you would like to order an Easter Lily, please fill out the flyer in your bulletin and place it in the offering plate. Cost is $10.

Don’t forget, daylight savings time starts on March 8! Set your clocks forward on Saturday night to make sure that you’re not late on Sunday morning!