Video Announcements for September 13, 2015

Video Announcements for September 13, 2015

The altar flowers today are given by Ken, in honor of his twin
sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Karen!

Children’s choir resumes at 10 am today. All elementary age
children (younger is fine if they are able to focus for 20 minutes) are
very welcome, as a parent helpers. Join Vicki in the upstairs
choir room in the Social Hall if you would like to participate.

GriefShare meets today from 12:30 to 2 pm in room 105 in the
Social Hall. The topic of this meeting will be “Is this Normal?”

Please note that the church office will be closed next week
(September 14 through 18) as both Pastor Bob and Aimee must be
separately out of town. Aimee will be monitoring the email and
phones remotely twice a day. If you have an emergency, please do
not hesitate to leave a message via email or phone.