Have you ever been curious about your dreams and what they’re trying to tell you? If yes, you are invited to participate in this remarkable opportunity to learn from and study with Dr. Dee Kelley. Dr. Dee says, “Dreams are an important part of our sacred scriptures. The biblical texts treat them with reverence and respect. Our culture tends to relegate them to the ‘white noise’ of life. Come explore the rich treasure that dreams have to offer to our personal development, our psychological health, and our spiritual growth.”
We’ll gather in the Social Hall from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm on the following Monday evenings in August, September and October:
August 12th: An Introduction to Dreams
August 26th: Dreams and Imagination
September 9th: Dreams and Self-Awareness
September 23rd: The Language of Dreams
October 7th: Engaging the Shadow
October 21st: A Life of Listening to the Therapist in You
All are welcome! We are asking for a small donation of $10 per session and scholarship support is available.
About the presenter: Dr. Kelley has degrees in Religion, Psychology, Business Administration and more. He is known in this community and beyond as a pastor, a leader, a dream coach, a father, a grandfather and a friend to many. You can learn more about Dr. Dee on his website at www.inyourdreams.coach. We are honored to be able to host Dr. Dee and this special series as we explore our spirituality through the lens of our dreams.
Please contact the church office to register or for additional information.