All-Church Gathering

All-Church Gathering

All members and friends of Pacific Beach UMC are invited to gather together to share in a lunch and a presentation of several items important to the life of this congregation on Sunday, May 17th. We will plan to be in Hughes Hall (sometimes known as the Social Hall) beginning at approximately 11:45 am (or whenever worship ends) to begin with a meal. A main dish and beverages will be provided, and anyone willing is invited to bring a side dish. (Please RSVP to the church office so we can make sure to have enough food.) After we’ve had some time to start our meal, we will begin discussing three important possibilities for PB UMC.

Southern Cross Project
The Southern Cross Project has been in early planning stages for some time now, and PB UMC’s Board of Trustees has recently received detailed information on the scope and breadth of the project as well as an expected budget. This is a comprehensive project to address many needed facility repairs and upgrades as a cohesive whole, and it is now time for the people of PB UMC to explore whether or not we wish to move forward with the project and discuss ways to raise the necessary funds.

Readiness 360+
For the past seven months, faithful members of PB UMC have participated actively in the Cal-Pac Conference revitalization effort Readiness 360+ (R360). Group members have participated in meetings specific to PB UMC and also with several churches across the South District, and have explored areas of Discipleship and Missional Alignment. As part of this effort, R360 will present several “hands-on” opportunities to join even more fully in our life-changing ministries.

Pastoral Intern
Pacific Beach UMC has been approached by a student from Claremont School of Theology (CST) asking if we might consider taking on a Pastoral Intern as part of CST’s Field Education requirement. While our Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) will determine whether any potential intern might be a good fit for our particular ministry environment, we as a congregation may explore whether or not we wish to benefit from additional leadership as well as take on the responsibilities inherent to an internship.

Please plan to participate in these important conversations on May 17th as we continue to discern God’s call on the people of PB UMC. Together, we are the body of Christ!