Video Announcements for November 22, 2015

Video Announcements for November 22, 2015

The altar flowers today are given by the Staff Parish committee in honor of Sara, to thank her for her many years of ministry in the Nursery.

Cheer the Breast Cancer walkers as they go by the church
Member orientation luncheon at 11:45
UMYF DeeTour at 11:45
Coping with the Holidays gathering at 5 pm.

 As you prayerfully consider your stewardship to PB UMC, please turn in your yellow pledge cards into the church office or offering plate by December 6 in order for the Finance Team to best serve you and our community for 2016. We thank you for your continued prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness that build our church community.

 The church office will be closed on Tuesday, the 24th through Tuesday, December 1st.

Our Wednesday Night Thanksgiving dinner will be held this Wednesday. If you have a turkey to deliver, please see Chef Ben. We also need volunteers to help serve and visit with our guests!  If you would like to help, please show up no later than 4:30 pm on the 25th. 

Don’t forget our Advent kick-off crafts, potluck, and tree lighting next Sunday, November 29 at 4pm!  Crafts begin at 4, potluck begins at 5, and Christmas tree lighting and Carols to follow. All are invited; bring friends!

On December 6, “The Best Place to Celebrate Christmas!” will be presented by our PB UMC songsters during both Sunday services. Please plan to attend and support our children’s singing ministry.