Video Announcements for May 2, 2015

Video Announcements for May 2, 2015

The altar flowers today are given by Bill, in honor of his and
Judy’s 41st wedding anniversary.

Our communion offering today is in support of the Imagine No
Malaria project. Just $10 will buy a bed net to prevent infected
mosquito bites.

The UMYF will have a crafting day for the Mother’s Day bake sale
today at 11:30. The bake sale will take place next Sunday, Mother’s
Day, after each service. Proceeds from the sale will help fund youth

The GriefShare support group will meet at 1 pm in Room 100, next
to the nursery. This week’s topic is “Lessons of Grief, Part 2.”

Thank you to the 7 volunteers who came to help out at the
Wednesday Night BBQ community meal! We appreciate your hard

You are invited and encouraged to attend an All-Church Meeting
following the 2nd service on May 17th, two weeks away. PB UMC
needs to discuss the Southern Cross Project to update the facilities,
hear a report from the Readiness 360 group, and discuss having a
pastoral intern at the church. A main dish and beverage will be
provided; please feel free to bring a side dish if you feel inspired.
For more information, please see page 1 of the Beach Breeze.

Question of Faith. If you would like to ask a questions, fill out the
firm on the back of the Prayer Request cards and place them in the
offering plate. Pastor Bob will select 1-3 questions each week to
answer during worship the following Sunday.